Registration of birth, marriage, divorce and death
General information regarding registration
According to Hungarian law, a Hungarian citizen’s birth, marriage, divorce or death that occurred abroad has to be registered into the Hungarian database as well. Once registered, a Hungarian certificate of that event will be issued.
The registration of the events above is performed by:
Government Office of the Capital City Budapest
Address: 1075 Budapest, Károly krt. 11.
Customer service hours: Wednesdays 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Phone numbers:
– Registration of events following simplified naturalization – (06 1) 323 3168
– All other registrations – (06 1) 323 3176
Email address:
Mailing address: 1368 Budapest, Pf. 222
In person only, with an appointment. Please click on “Appointment booking for consular services” on the first page of our website to book an appointment. For the registration of a birth of a minor child (under the age of 18), both parents have to be present.
Please fill out all necessary forms in capital letters, with blue ink.
Please also note that all fees are payable:
-in case of in-person application by debit/credit card only
– in case of mailed-in application by a money order payable to the “Embassy of Hungary”.
We do not accept either cash or cheque.
All documents necessary for registration
1. Documents proving citizenship
The citizenship has to be proved for both Hungarian and other citizens for any registration cases. The citizenship can be proved by:
– Hungarian citizenship can be proved by valid identity card, valid Hungarian passport, or Hungarian citizenship certificate no older than 3 years.
– all other citizenships can be proven by valid passports, citizenship certificates, or identity card or travel document issued by a Hungarian administrative office.
– if the Hungarian citizenship is not proven by the documents above, a citizenship verification will be commenced first.
2. Vital statistics certificates from foreign countries
For registration applications, the originals of all foreign documents have to be submitted, however, there is an option for receiving the originals back once the registration has been completed. In that case, we will make a certified copy of the original for the appropriate consular fee upon your request.
Canadian “Long form” certificates do not need to be legalized or translated EXCEPT for simplified naturalization applications. Please refer to “Simplified Naturalization” on our website for information regarding certificates.
Divorce certificates do need a certified Hungarian translation. All other Canadian “Long form” certificates only need a translation if it contains a note, or are handwritten.
Some certificates issued in Canada do not contain all the necessary data required for Hungarian registration. The acceptable documents vary from province to province. Please refer to information provided by the Embassy of Hungary in Ottawa regarding acceptable certificates:
Non-Hungarian Vital statistics Certificates
3. Documents needed for application for the electronic personal database